Do you suspect that your baby may be allergic to proteins in cows' milk?
Cows' milk protein allergy (CMPA), also known as cows' milk allergy (CMA), is one of the most common food allergies in babies and young children. There are many symptoms associated with CMA, but it can be easily managed with the correct diet, so getting a diagnosis is very important. The good news is that the vast majority of children who are allergic to cows' milk will outgrow this by the time they are 3 years old.
Can CMPA affect your baby’s feeding?
Your doctor or health care professional (HCP) will advise you on how to improve your baby’s symptoms and how to eliminate cows’ milk protein from your baby’s diet. This should in no way affect your breastfeeding routine.
Breastfeeding is the best way of feeding your baby during the first months of life and is preferred whenever possible. It is also the preferred choice of feeding for a baby with CMPA.
If you choose to move on from breastfeeding, your doctor or HCP will help you identify suitable alternative formulas. They can also support on the avoidance of cows’ milk protein during complementary feeding (weaning).
Once diagnosed, cows’ milk allergy symptoms can be easily managed with the correct support.
What is CMPA?
Cows’ Milk Protein Allergy (CMPA) is a food allergy where your baby’s immune system reacts abnormally to proteins in cows’ milk. In rare cases, even babies who are exclusively breastfed may develop CMPA by reacting to the cows’ milk protein that is transferred through the breast milk.
Recognise signs and symptoms of CMPA
Symptoms of cows’ milk protein allergy can affect the digestive system (e.g. diarrhoea or vomiting), the respiratory system (e.g. runny nose or cough) and the skin (e.g. dry and scaly skin).
Learn more about the signs and symptoms of CMPA
How to get a diagnosis of CMPA
Diagnosing cows’ milk protein allergy can be challenging. If you suspect your baby may have CMPA, you should visit your doctor. Keeping track of your baby’s symptoms and feeds may support your doctor assessment.
Learn more about how CMPA is diagnosed
We are here to help and support you and your baby. Discover other parents’ stories in these videos, where they discuss their journey to reaching a diagnosis of cow’s milk allergy for their baby.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Breastfeeding is the best form of nutrition for babies and provides many benefits to babies and mothers. It is important that, in preparation for and during breastfeeding, you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Combined breast and bottle feeding in the first weeks of life may reduce the supply of your own breastmilk, and reversing the decision not to breastfeed is difficult. Always consult your healthcare professional for advice about feeding your baby. The social and financial implications of using infant formula should be considered. Improper use of an infant formula or inappropriate foods or feeding methods may present a health hazard. If you use infant formula, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use carefully – failure to follow the instructions may make your baby ill. Formula for special medical purposes intended for infants must be used under medical supervision.